Donation for the Elderly

We are pleased to announce that we have collected 140 new ?Corohooks for our donation project! This time we are giving them away to our dear seniors citizens. Thanks to everyone who by purchasing our product made the donation possible. Let us know of any family member or acquaintance who is retired and can’t avoid leaving home […]

Sharing Is Caring

Sharing is Caring

We’re giving away 60 new Corohooks! For all public workers, Nurses, Doctors, Civil Protection Officers, Firefighters, etc. Let us know of any family member or acquaintance that is in this line of work. We’ll be happy to send a #Corohook, completely free of charge. Thanks to all of you, who by purchasing, made this possible ❤ #SharingIsCaring #StayHealthy #StayHome #TogetherWeAreStronger

439 Corohooks


We are pleased to announce that we have collected 439 new Corohooks for our Giveaway! Again we’re donating them to public workers, Nurses, Civil Protection Officers, Firefighters, etc. A big thank you to all our donation partners. ➡ Let us know if a  family member or acquaintance that is in this line of work needs one. We’ll […]

environment friendly

Environment Friendly

Increased use of disposable gloves is becoming a growing problem. Pollution with improperly discarded gloves unfortunately grows exponentially. In addition, the prices of protective equipment such as disinfectants, gloves and face masks have gone up tremendously. This is where the #Corohook comes into play. Its use avoids overuse of both gloves and disinfectant. So using […]